Details on the USDA Farm Storage Facility Loans

Farm Storage Facility Loans (FSFL) provide low-interest financing for producers to build or upgrade farm storage and handling facilities and to store eligible commodities they produce. The program is administered by the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA).

A producer may borrow up to $500,000 per loan, with a minimum down payment of 15 percent. Loan terms are up to 12 years, depending on the amount of the loan. Producers must demonstrate storage needs based on three years of production history. 

There is a nonrefundable application fee of $100.


Producers who select the microloan option can borrow up to $50,000, with the minimum down payment reduced to 5 percent and shorter loan terms. Producers can self-certify the storage needs of the eligible commodity and are not required to demonstrate storage needs based on production history.

Eligible Commodities

  • Grains, including rye, peanuts and rice
  • Pulse crops
  • Hay
  • Honey
  • Renewable biomass
  • Fruits, nuts, and vegetable — cold storage facilities
  • Floriculture
  • Hops
  • Maple sap
  • Dairy products
  • Eggs
  • Meat/poultry (unprocessed)
  • Aquaculture (excluding live-animal systems)

Eligible Facilities, Equipment and Upgrades

The following types of new/used facilities and upgrades are eligible and must have a useful life for at least the term of the loan (this list is not exhaustive, and producers should check with their local FSA office on the eligibility of other retained "equipment," such as returnable CSA boxes):

  • Conventional cribs or bins
  • Oxygen-limiting structures
  • Flat-type storage structures
  • Electrical equipment and handling equipment, excluding the installation of electrical service to the electrical meter
  • Safety equipment, such as interior and exterior lighting
  • Equipment to improve, maintain or monitor the quality of stored grain
  • Concrete foundations, aprons, pits and pads, including site preparation, off-farm labor and material essential to the proper operation of grain storage and handling equipment

For more information and current lending rates, see the USDA Farm Storage Facility Loan Program page

Open Positions on Georgia FSA County Committees

From the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and Michael Wall, Georgia Organics Director of Programs:

Small-Scale and Sustainable Farmers, Here’s a Way to Serve Your Community 

Eight Georgia counties – Dodge, Early, Henry, Jackson, Lamar, Lowndes, Miller, and Randolph – are seeking black or female representation on the USDA’s Farm Service Agency committees.

This is an great opportunity for organic and sustainable growers to stand up and participate in an important process in Georgia’s agriculture community.

Farmers and ranchers who are elected to serve on FSA county committees apply their judgment and knowledge to help with the decisions necessary to administer FSA programs in their counties, ensuring the needs of local producers are met. FSA county committees operate within official federal regulations so that local input is provided on federal programs such as:

·         Income safety-net loans and payments, including setting county average yields for commodities

·         Conservation programs

·         Incentive, indemnity and disaster payments for some commodities

·         Emergency programs

·         Payment eligibility

To nominate yourself or someone you know, fill out the last page of this document (Exhibit 4). Then, contact your FSA County Director to finalize your paperwork. You can find your county FSA office here.