
Farm Bankruptcies in Georgia Jump


The Farm Bureau article on national bankruptcy trends for agricultural producers has been making the rounds, and the number for Georgia — at 37 tied for second most behind Wisconsin — stick out. Wisconsin’s ranking likely owes to the troubles that have shaken the dairy industry of late. (In fact, Dean Foods, the nations’ number one milk producer, just filed for bankruptcy.) The situation in Georgia is a striking contrast against neighboring states, and perhaps it shows the impact of the “trade war” on cotton producers and even the lasting damage of Hurricane Michael.

But there are some things to consider:

  • Per the AJC, the number of farmers who filed for Chapter 12 through September 30 is up 12 from the same period in 2018. However, that amount was 43 and 41 in the two previous years.

  • Georgia is doing fine in Market Facilitation Program (MFP) payments, that series of magical remunerations for farmers’ sacrifice during the “trade war” with China. To date, Georgia has received $151,605,594.10. By comparison, Alabama has only gotten $55,610,083.70

  • On November 15, Secretary Perdue announced a second tranche of MFP payments to be paid starting the week of Thanksgiving. For producers of MFP-eligible commodities, this now covers 75% of the potential total payment from MFP. For reference, MFP will provide as much as $14.5 billion in direct payments to farmers.

  • The USDA will consider issuing a third round of MFP payments based on market conditions. You can take it to the land bank that this will happen. That Farm Bureau article estimates that 40% of farmers’ income (i.e. $33 billion) “is related to trade assistance, disaster assistance, the farm bill and insurance indemnities.” In a year of bad weather, these payments are helping keep farms afloat. The only question is when. Farmers will need them ASAP to fund and finance 2020 crops. But political cycle may hold them up until it’s most advantageous for Trump’s reelection campaign.

In the midst of the storm and stress around farm bankruptcies and hard times in the heartland, it’s worth considering concentration in the industry and the growth of mega farms, for good or ill.

Five percent of all farms produce 75% of all sales, and the trend line is falling. These figures come from Brent Gloy of Agricultural Economic Insights using data from the USDA NASS Census of Agriculture.


Interestingly, Gloy points out that these large farms are also responsible for a disproportionate amount of Certified Organic production. Out of a total of $7.27 billion, 43 had organic sales of $1.3 billion and 945 had sales of $4.6 billion. In other words, less than a thousand farms account for over 60% of all organic sales.

Georgia Organics: Farm to Restaurant Campaign

This work is being funded by a USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Local Food Promotion Program grant that I wrote. I’m excited to see it in action.

Application Deadline: March 4, 2019 11:59 pm

For the next three years, Georgia Organics will embark on a Farm to Restaurant campaign to increase the domestic consumption and sales from local organic farms in Georgia to restaurants in metro Atlanta.  Georgia Organics will work with farmers to provide them with the business management, post-harvest handling, and record-keeping tools that enable them to become “restaurant-ready” in addition to creating a branding campaign that recognizes Atlanta restaurants for supporting Georgia’s small sustainable farms.

Georgia Organics will accept cohorts each year of the campaign with applications opening in January. Applicants considered for the campaign are subject to requests for additional information and farm visits from Georgia Organics staff.  Farmer cohorts will be announced by mid-March.

Application Submission Options

You can submit your application by completing the online application below or submitting the downloadable application by email to Organic Procurement Coordinator Lauren Cox at

Devising crop rotations with limited space

There becomes two schools of practice in sustainable agriculture when it comes to annual crop production, extensive and intensive. The ‘extensive’ farmers we know basically have two farms, one in cover crops and one in cash crops flipping them each year or so. This allows them to rest the soil and build organic matter but also means they have to have twice as much land, a luxury most farmers don’t have, like us. The other end of the spectrum is no cover crops and to just rely on organic matter sources imported onto the farm- manure, leaves, hay, compost, etc. Not only more expensive and labor intensive but in many ways not as biologically diverse which can lead to a less stable/sustainable system.
— Alex Hitt, Peregrine Farm
Alex Hitt at Peregrine Farm.

Alex Hitt at Peregrine Farm.

If you're interested in sustainable vegetable production in the South, then you need to know Alex Hitt

Hitt and his wife, Betsy, own Peregrine Farm outside of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Farming organically since 1980, they have pioneered the local food movement in Southeast and become leading experts in the operation and maintenance of sustainable production systems. While Betsy handles the cut-flower side of the business, Alex grows vegetables--in addition to speaking regularly at regional conferences and thoughtfully blogging on the technical details of growing specialty crops without synthetic chemicals and large off-farm inputs. 

In a recent post he covered the thorny subject of implementing crop rotations with limited space: specifically, how to balance a cover cropping and rotational strategy with year-round demand for market crops. "We currently have 5 quarter acres blocks that we are now trying to fit nearly 9 quarter acres worth of crops into and another 4 of cover covers crops, not easily done," Hitt says. His answer is to expand his current five-year rotation, which rebuilds soil and breaks disease and pest cycles, into a less elegant six-year plan. 

Hitt is even generous enough to share his schematic for one bed (see below). Read the entire post here. Note: blocks in green are cover crops.

Six-year rotation for a single bed: