
Georgia's Drought Impacts Cattle Production

If you want to see a clear sign of the effects of the 2016 drought, look no further than livestock auction receipts for the week of November 11. Georgia cattlemen took 3,600 more cattle to the sale than they did during the same period in 2015. That's an increase of over 46 percent. For the year as a whole, 5,600 more head have hit the auction, obviously a large part of that coming in the latter half of the year as pastures quickly degraded.

Chart, forage conditions, and November 22 drought map are below. Praise the Lord we've had some rain in December.

Cattle and Calves Receipts

Data from 20 Georgia auctions. Source: Georgia Cattleman, December 2016

Pasture Conditions Weed Ending 11/13/2016

Georgia Drought Nov. 22

Growing out of the Food Fight

Growing out of the Food Fight

A conversation that should have been had about good food became a question about the morality of farmers. But in my experience those are distinctions that are not held by the farmers themselves. Farmers are farmers. Good, bad, big, small, they respect and help each other more than anyone outside their number ever has.