Based on the Allis Chalmers Model G, the Oggun tractor will begin manufacturing and sales in November.
My story on CleBer LLC's new Oggun tractor, an open-sourced model for small farmers, is up over on Growing America. The Oggun represents a radical business concept: The company has created a simple tractor, published the design, and outfitted it with off-the-shelf parts. The idea is to stimulate local manufacturing, free the farmer from a dependency on custom pieces, and drive down the cost of machinery for small producers. CleBer actually welcomes competition.
““We see that’s the only way that you can get equipment to a price that small farmers around the world can afford. Eighty percent of the world’s small-scale farmers can’t afford a tractor, and 80 percent is really a conservative estimate.”
Although it was inspired by an assessment of the needs of Cuban farmers, the Oggun will begin production in Alabama in November and be ready for shipment to U.S. customers by the end of the month.